Template:Jepson eFlora/doc

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[[Category:Template documentation pages{{#translation:}}]]

Used for linking to or citing the Jepson eFlora.

To locate pages that may need this template, use the search query insource:"jepson" insource:"ucjeps.berkeley.edu" -hastemplate:"Jepson eFlora".


For a citation:

  • {{Jepson eFlora|numerical_id|taxon name}}
  • {{Jepson eFlora |id=numerical_id |taxon=taxon name}}

For a link (suitable in external links sections):

  • {{Jepson eFlora|numerical_id |link=1}}
  • {{Jepson eFlora |id=numerical_id |link=1}}

To cite a key:

  • {{Jepson eFlora|numerical_id |type=key}}
  • {{Jepson eFlora |id=numerical_id |type=key}}

In a citation, the taxon name is automatically italicized by Module:eFloras, and the authors and date of the treatment and the access date should be included:

  1. {{Jepson eFlora|22766|Dicentra formosa |first=Gary L. |last=Hannan |date=2012}}
  2. {{Jepson eFlora|22766|Dicentra formosa |first=Gary L. |last=Hannan |date=2012 |access-date=23 February 2025}}
  3. {{Jepson eFlora|22766|Dicentra formosa |first=Gary L. |last=Hannan |date=2012 |mode=cs2 |access-date=23 February 2025}}
  4. {{Jepson eFlora|22766|Dicentra formosa |link=1}}
  5. {{Jepson eFlora|10451|Dicentra |type=key}}
  1. Hannan, Gary L. (2012). "Dicentra formosa". In Jepson Flora Project (ed.). Jepson eFlora. The Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley.
  2. Hannan, Gary L. (2012). "Dicentra formosa". In Jepson Flora Project (ed.). Jepson eFlora. The Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved 23 February 2025.
  3. Hannan, Gary L. (2012), "Dicentra formosa", in Jepson Flora Project (ed.), Jepson eFlora, The Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, retrieved 23 February 2025
  4. Jepson eFlora, The Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley
  5. Jepson Flora Project (ed.). "Key to Dicentra". Jepson eFlora. The Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley.

See also